Frequently Asked Questions

Why Chromebooks?

The Old Tappan Public School District selected Chromebooks for the following reasons:

  • Sturdy construction for a great price
  • Light and manageable for middle school-aged students
  • Easy to manage and support
  • Chromebooks have flooded the education market
  • Easy deployment via a web-based portal
  • Boot up in eight seconds
  • Batteries last eight to ten hours
  • Increases students' time on task
  • Our teachers have been using G Suite for Education, so their experience will help to facilitate the 1:1 learning initiative.

What happens if the student forgets his/her Chromebook? Will loaners be available to those students?

Students are expected to bring in their Chromebooks fully charged every day. No loaners will be provided if a student forgets his/her Chromebook.

What happens if there are technical issues with the student Chromebooks?

All problems will be handled through the Charles DeWolf Middle School Main Office. Parents/Guardians and students should report any issues immediately. If necessary, and based on availability, the student will receive a loaner Chromebook. The student must sign out the loaner device. When the student’s original Chromebook is ready to be picked up, the student will be notified. It is the responsibility of the student to return the loaner device in the same condition it was received. The student returns the loaner in exchange for his/her original Chromebook either by the end of the school or beginning of school the following day.

*Under no circumstances should a damaged Chromebook be brought to an outside vendor to repair.

What happens if students forget to charge their Chromebooks?

Per the Parent/Guardian and Student Chromebook Agreement, students will be responsible in making sure that their Chromebooks are fully charged for school. However, students will be allowed to charge their Chromebooks in designated charging areas throughout the school.

What happens if the Chromebook is stolen?

Student or parent/guardian must report the incident immediately to Charles DeWolf Middle School Main Office. An official police report should be filed as well.

Will students be allowed to load applications on their Chromebooks?

At this time, students will not be allowed to load applications on their Chromebooks.

Will students have access to the built-in camera?

Yes, students will have access to the built-in camera. However, the Acceptable Use Guidelines, as outlined in this Handbook, will be strictly enforced.

Will students have full Internet access at home?

Home Internet access will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian. However, student Chromebooks will be filtered based on restrictions applied through the G Suite for Education Domain.

Does the parent/guardian need to sign-off on the Parent/Guardian Chromebook Agreement Form?

Yes, the parent/guardian must sign the Chromebook Agreement Form. There are specifics on the acceptable use, optional accidental damage protection, and theft/loss coverage. Students will be required to sign an Agreement Form in school when given their devices.

Additional Information

Installed Software

Apps originally installed by The Old Tappan Public School District must remain on the Chromebook at all times. New apps that support the curriculum will be added as deemed necessary.

Additional Apps

Students are restricted from installing apps, extensions, or plugins.


Modification of Chromebook settings can result in consequences based on our Code of Conduct.


The Chromebook may be subject to periodic inspection for physical damage and appropriate usage throughout the school year by the Technology Department.

Software Upgrades

Chromebooks are configured to auto-update the Chrome OS resulting in an up-to-date operating system at all times. No user interaction required.

File Management

Students’ work will be saved to their District-assigned Google Drive account.

Internet Connectivity

When using the Chromebooks at home, providing access to the Internet is the sole responsibility of the parent/guardian through their home Internet provider. However, content will still be filtered through our G Suite for Education Domain.

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