Old Tappan School District Board of Education
Kristen Santoro, Board President
Stephanie Lucrezia, Board Vice President
Board Members:
Carlo Filippone
Todd Houston
Renée Jones
Doug Barrett, Board Secretary
The Board customarily holds two public meetings each month. The first meeting is usually held on the second Monday of the month, while the second public meeting is usually the fourth Monday of each month.
Each meeting provides two opportunities for public comment. At the start of the meeting, members of the community may comment on issues that are on the agenda. In this way, Board members have an opportunity to consider views of the public before they vote on agenda items. Any member of the public, after being recognized by the Board President and stating his/her name and address, may ask questions or express a point of view. After matters on the agenda are voted upon and other board business completed, new items may be brought to the public.
At times when circumstances warrant, Special Public Meetings may be held. Announcements of Special Meetings will be posted on the school website, district and municipal bulletin boards and sent to The Record for publication.